Friday, April 1, 2016

The Advanced Infantry Combat Weapon
 (AICW) was a model ambush rifle created in Australia. The AICW joined a standard 5.56 mm ambush rifle taking into account the effective Steyr AUG stage with a superposed load explosive launcher created by Metal Storm. The AICW was produced by the Defense Science and Technology Organization (DSTO) in partnership with Metal Storm and Tenix Defense Systems, accepting subsidizing principally through the Australian Government's Capability and Technology Demonstrator (CTD) program. The AICW meant to furnish the infantry trooper with the capacity to flame various explosives without reloading, and to switch between 5.56 mm ballistic rounds and 40 mm projectiles without evolving sights, trigger or position, giving the administrator more adaptability and decreased response times in battle. AICW, with its stacked round projectile launcher, did not require traditional mechanical stacking. This made the weapon more minimal and conceivably far lighter, however this potential does not seem to have exchanged to reality since the stacked weapon was heavier than the XM29 OICW. Advancement of the weapon stopped after the fruitful showing of the innovation and the consummation of the CTD program.