Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The History of Khmer New Year 2016
 In old countries of Chompou Tvip (the central territory of the seven landmasses enveloping Mount Meru) the senior people grasped the Khmer New Year's date in Khè Mikasè (January), i.e. the early year. According to the lunar timetable, they some time prior picked three seasons including Heman Radov or winter, Kimha Radov ir hot season and Vasan Radov or stormy season. Since Chol Sakarach (Lesser Era) they have formally gotten the sun arranged timetable and held the Khmer New Year Festival in Khè Chèt (fifth month) that is an additional time from their developing. Four essential seasons in the sun arranged timetable contain winter, spring, summer and reap time. The Khmer people have gotten the fifth sun based month, known as Khè Chèt, to applaud their New Year festivity. Generally, as showed by the sun situated logbook, the Khmer New Year falls on the thirteenth of April yet at times it falls on the fourteenth of April. The positive occasion of the Khmer New Year is unequivocal in the visionary ordered registry and extends over three days. The primary day is known as Maha Sangkran or "Mind boggling Almanac Day", the second day is called Veara Vanabath or "Worshiping Day", and the third day is known as Veara Leung Sak or "Rank and Promotion Day". Of the three days Veara Leung Sak is seen as the most great. The verifiable scenery of the Khmer New Year is immovably connected with the seven signs of the zodiac for the week. The legend of the New Year is quick and dirty in the Almanac which says: In old, more fulfilled times, a youthful individual by the name of Thoamabal, the offspring of a tycoon, had a wide learning of three Vedas (old books on Hinduism) by the age of seven. Thoamabal's father manufactured a haven under the spread of a broad Chrey tree (a fig tree) on the banks of a stream that was home to various sorts of winged animals. He had a natural limit that engaged him to fathom the tongues of winged animals. He had a trademark limit that engaged him to grasp the lingos of winged animals. Thoamabal's credits allowed him to twist up a layman in charge of religious administrations for all classes of people. In the wake of listening to this news another religious pioneer Kabel Maha Prohm, tested Thoamabal with tree conundrums. He vowed that if Thaomabal could viably answer the conundrums he, Kabel Maha Prohm, would be beheaded; in any case if Thoamabal couldn't answer the inquiries precisely then it would be Thoamabal who may be executed. Thoamabal requested having seven days to answer the confounding riddle until Kabel Maha Prohm agreed. For six days Thoamabal couldn't deal with the issues and understood that he went up against the likelihood of being killed by Kabel Maha Prohm the next morning. He thusly picked ton disguise himself and let his life obscure away by typical causes. He covered himself underneath two or three sugar palm trees in which two or three birds of prey were settling, that night Thoamabal found the falcons talking. The female asked, "What will we eat tomorrow morning?" The male flying creature replied, "We will eat the tissue of Thoamalobal in light of the fact that tomorrow he will be guillotined by Kabie Maha Prohm due to his inability to clarify the riddles". The female then asked, "What are the riddles?" The male answered, "The important conundrum is, the spot is fortunes to be found in the mornine?" clearly the answer is that fortunes is on the face since people constantly take water to wash their faces. The second question asked, where is fortunes arranged at twelve? It is on the mid-area since people reliably take water to wash their mid-segments. Finally, the third question asked, where is fortunes arranged around evening time? The answer is that fortunes is on the feet since people constantly wash their feet during the evening. Thoamabal got most of the exchange in this way brightly returned to his asylum. In the morning Kabel Maha Prohm came to ask in the matter of whether he could answer the three inquiries. Thoamabal adequately tended to each of the problems. Kabel Maha Prohm realixing he had failed, called his seven young ladies, who were house attendants of Branma, to learn of his fate.Kabal Maha Prohm said, "Your father is foing to be guillotined before Thoamabal. If my head is resolved to the earth , if will set fire to Earth, if my head is hurled into the air, the storm will vanish, if my head is hurled into the sea, the sea will leave. Thusly I ask you, my seven young ladies to get a favored metal plate on which to set your father's head". Having said this, he executed himself and his head was gone to Neang Toungsa, the eldest of his daughters. She set her father's head on the radiant plate and after that kept on walking around Mount Meru for a hour, respectfully keeping the plate on her right hand. She then took the plate to the momentary shelter of Phnom Kailas. At Phnom Kailas, Preah Visakam made an entryway where seven superb glasses (Pheakabatei Saphea) were set. The glasses were for use by superb chaperons in the midst of capacities. Consistently the seven heavenly detachments substituted to summon the head of Kabel Maha Prohm to and complete a favored parade around Mount Meru. Taking after the hallowed parade the favored flag-bearers returned to their heaven. The Seven Angels of the Almanac: If the yearly parade talls on a Sunday then the day will be known as Toungsa, Monday is Kooreak, Tuesday is called Reaksa, Wednesday is Kereney, Friday is known as Kemera and Saturday is Mahaotra. In the midst of the Khmer New Year Festival, youngsters amass to play surely understood traditional redirections, for instance, Chaol Chhoung (hurling a ball) and Bas Angkunh (hurling cocoa seeds). The youngsters are ordinarily segregated into female and male gatherings to play these diversions. In a couple segments of Cambodia, e.g. Siem Reap and Battambang, they play a beguilement known as the "Run Dance". Run performers move and demand help from house to house in their town. A man will ride on a since a long time back twisted stick with a deer's head on one side and with a group of grass on the other side like the deer's tail. Two men case to be seekers and are furnished with a crossbow. When they get offerings they will give it for the benefit of the area pagoda. In towns along the Mekong Riverinthe district of Kandal women amass to rowboats before the pagodas. This action is acknowledged to assuage the crocodiles. This particularly started long back when various crocodiles lived in the stream. In a couple of towns, people step on models to soothe the apparitions that live in the trees near the pagodas and solicitation fulfillment in the coming year. The Khmer people will gather and visit pagodas and havens on the occasion of the Khmer New year. Consistently various tenants from various districts visit Angkor Wat to love to the fit perfect creatures and take after their forerunners' legacy. Note: The Twelve years in the lunar logbook 1. Year of Rat 2. Year of Ox 3. Year of Tiger 4. Year of Rabbit 5. Year of Dragon 6. Year of Snake 7. Year of Horse 8. Year of Goat 9. Year of Monkey 10. Year of Rooster 11. Year of Dog 12. Year of Pig "Sus'Dei Chnam Thmei" is a 3-day festivity starting around the thirteenth or fourteenth of April (dependent upon bounce years) to adulate the New Year. Everyone is out in the city wishing each other and their families accomplishment, peace and rapture. Much earlier, in the midst of Angkor times, the New Year was adulated 4 months before on the principal day of the principle lunar month. This was surrendered after Angkor, as a sun based timetable was grasped and got noticeable quality. The essential clarification behind the change was the end of the dry season, when the workers finished their work in the fields and the harvest had been secured safely before the start of the swirling season, and people had more chance to celebrate. Along these lines, one of the rulers changed the New Year festivity to the month of April and to take after a sun based calendar. The essential day of the Khmer New Year is called Moha Songkran. On that day, another god or favored detachment is assigned to secure the world for the year ahead. To welcome him, people clean and decorate their homes and themselves, to guarantee that the New Year does not start with disaster or depression. Each home "fights" to welcome the new god or heavenly delivery person solely by offering a table overflowing with common items, a cake with candles, incense sticks embellished with blossoms, and gleaming light binds to ensure that the house and the family are secured for whatever is left of the year. The time around New Year is the principle time when energetic Cambodians are allowed to meet and participate in "mixed" plays. It is furthermore the open entryway for youthful colleagues to look for potential companions. That is the custom! The second day of the New Year is called Wanabat. This implies "Day of Giving". Usually, on this the earliest reference point offers gifts to people, astounding people, and elderly people. Youths get new pieces of clothing, and penniless people are given money or articles of clothing. During the evening, the ministers in the pagodas are asked for that give a blessing. The third day of the New Year is called Tanai Lieang Saka and means "new beginning". Ensuing to searching for the favors of the clergymen in the morning, a playful farewell party is held toward the night. In the boulevards and out in the open spots, people pour water on each other. Youths and adolescents hurl tyke powder and flour at each other. People that as a general rule work a long way from their families in various districts make it a point to return to their families.
13 Apr 2016